Woman, Why Are You Here?

Woman, Why Are You Here?

If you’ve ever been confused as to what’s your purpose in this life, I pray that it will become clearer this day. Woman, why are you here?

Most of us have gone through life not knowing why we are here, or to make it personal, “Why am I here?” It doesn’t seem as thou I have any physical talents that I can share or show someone.

When we were little girls we probably dreamed of one day being a nurse, a doctor, a teacher or just to be a Mom and that’s ok. And yes. God has allowed some of us to achieve those dreams.

But whether or not your dreams come true, there is another call on your life and that is to be a servant of Jesus Christ. When we think of serving in our carnal mind, who really wants to serve? Another word for Servant is Disciple and we don’t think of ourselves as Disciples (“that’s those other people”) but just as Jesus chooses the 12 disciples, He chooses you too!

He tells them, “you did not choose me, You are not here because of you, You are here because of Me!”

I chose you and appointed you that you should go and bear fruit.

This is not a call to salvation, but a Call to Service, because if we were to take a poll today, most of us if asked the question, “Are you saved?” most of us would say yes, so this is a Call for the Saved to Serve, in other words, we don’t Serve to be Saved, We are Saved to Serve.

And when God does the choosing you don’t have to worry about being qualified because none of us are fully qualified to do the work of the Lord.

But for those He chooses He equips “To Go, Ye, Therefore..”

Some of the most unqualified people accomplished the world’s most important missions.

  • Adam and Eve, first Man and Woman, who sent the whole Human race into sin.
  • Abraham, a man after God’s own Heart, doubted God and committed Adultery
  • Jacob deceived his Father
  • My friend Paul alias Saul was a murderer of the Christians
  • My friend Paul alias Saul was a murderer of the Christians

And if I keep going down the list I’ll soon run into your Name.

But between salvation and service, there must be a time of training, for the 12 disciples, it was 3 years as they walked and talked with Jesus Himself from day-to-day.

He taught them How to pray, How to love and to bear one another’s burdens, He taught them to forgive, and I keep using the word taught them, but I definitely want you to know He taught them by showing them.

He showed them compassion, He showed them mercy, He showed them love, “HE SHOWED THEM”

What an awesome way to learn by having a living pattern to follow, someone who models Christian virtues and shows us how to apply Biblical Principles.

My friend Paul in Philippians 4:9 says, “the things you have learned and received and heard and see in me practice these things.”

Whether you have been a Christian for fifty or five years, you are an example for someone, in other words, someone is watching you.

People hear what you say and see what you do, they are watching how you live, they are peeping into your window for those of us that know we need Jesus.

How can you demonstrate ways to show others a glimpse of Christ in You?

Please comment below!