There is no mystery or myth how you came to be the shepherd of this flock, it was a sovereign decision.
You have been sent and given the charge from God the Father to preach the word, to be ready in season and out of season, to reprove, to rebuke, and to exalt with patience and teaching.
To stand at the wall of conviction and to be the watchmen over our souls.
You have stood behind that sacred desk, teaching and preaching, holding firmly to the message of the cross with the backing of sound doctrine.
Some of us will never understand the charge or the cross given to you and those that just can’t be pastored if be told they need a Pastor too.
In knowing the odds, you continued to stand, compelling us to give God our hearts and place them in his hands.
So we come to the Symposium with anticipation, sitting on the edge of our seats to hear what God has to say through you.
You have enriched our lives with your dedication to God’s throne, and with each lesson you have taught us, we have truly grown.
You have served vigorously with so much power zest and zeal.
And all that you have done has been because of God’s will.
You have prayed for the confused and visited the sick
You have married our children. You have counseled the misguided.
You have comforted the lost and laid to rest our loved ones.
You have shared your family and your life with us.
Through God’s Wisdom, you have edified this church through your willingness to serve.
Thou Days sometimes tedious and long, Yet nevertheless Lord thy will be Done.
Everyone needs a Pastor; that’s the only way that we can hear, and if we have the Ministry of listening,g we will hear the Lord speaking in our ear.
So let me make it personal and to all those that agree, I need the Pastor that God chose for me.